No Angel…

By Aaron Lord

Okay, so he wasn’t an angel. And it’s a good thing, too, because this is part of what he wrote: “The life we live is not our own[,] for who’s to say that we’ll live to see tomorrow?” While it may be theologically correct, there’s something a little foreboding about it when you’re getting on a plane. Especially when the plane was delayed for two hours due to fog and then another two hours due to a “mechanical” (I know, mechanical is an adjective, and I didn’t supply a noun, but neither did the announcer at the airport when he was telling us that the plane had a mechanical…), and you spent the whole weekend thinking about what Oswald Chambers said about believing that God engineers our circumstances.

“But does God cirumcise our engineers?” says my Dad (who’s reading over my shoulder and holding my very cute youngest nephew Joseph).

He does engineer our circumstances! I wore my Delirious? trucker hat on Monday, so two young Christian guys who are going to the Bethel school of ministry in Redding came over and sat by me in the waiting area, and we had some really good talks during the 5 hours that we waited for our flight. They were a little more charismatic than the people I’ve been fellowshipping with at Calvary, but we shared common ground because of my experience of God’s work in other places. The conversation centered around the idea that it’s bad to bash your brothers and sisters, and how it’s important to find balance through both having the Holy Spirit and being grounded in God’s Word (one without the other gets you nowhere). It was a blessing meeting those guys, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced anything like that while traveling alone.