Tag Index

 1689 (7) Apple (6) Ava (6) Baxter (2) Christina (8) Dell mods (3) Psalms (2) Reformed Baptist (12) Running shoes (5) VW (2) Valley of Vision (1) abuse (14) activism (3) advent (2) amillennialism (7) app reviews (2) asp.net (3) atheism (8) babies (1) baptist (3) baptists (6) best practices (1) bluegrass (10) butte county lightning fire complex (2) calvinism (2) camp fire (5) career (1) catechism (2) celtic (14) chargers (1) chico (7) child rearing (1) chris thile (5) christmas (6) church (30) church history (1) cloud computing (3) coding (5) coding standards (1) concert reviews (1) covenant theology (28) cs lewis (2) database (1) de dannan (2) deconstruction (9) depression (4) design (5) development (3) devotions (8) dispensationalism (2) driscoll (6) ecclessiology (3) emergent (2) equality (1) eschatology (7) evangelicalism (1) evernote (2) evolution (4) exegesis (3) exvangelical (4) feminism (2) fiddle (1) framework theory (1) free will (1) freelance (1) freelancing (7) fundamentalism (11) gear reviews (1) github (1) gtd (4) hell (1) hermeneutics (2) higher criticism (2) hosting (1) humanism (1) humboldt fire (4) hymns (1) internet (1) ipad (2) iphone (19) irish trads (2) john macarthur (3) john piper (7) jonathan edwards (6) jquery (1) kevin burke (4) law and gospel (3) leadership (3) local (1) maddow (1) marriage (1) minimalist footwear (5) missions (4) morality (1) movies (2) music (4) music reviews (3) nt wright (3) obama (1) open-source (3) paradise-ca (5) photography (3) planxty (2) playlists (2) podcasting (1) politics (15) polity (7) presbyterian (13) productivity (1) programming (2) proof-texting (2) reformed baptist (1) reformed theology (1) religion (1) rob bell (2) running shoes (1) sabbath (11) sanctity of life (1) sara watkins (2) schatz (16) science (5) scripture (9) secularism (1) sexism (1) snow (2) software (1) source control (1) spiritual abuse (5) spotify (12) spurgeon (1) suffering (3) the Lord's day (12) theodicy (4) two kingdoms (6) valley of vision (4) visual studio (1) web development (2) work (3) worship (7)

 1689 (7)

So what happened?
Authoritarianism, isolationism, and their theonomic roots
CT and the Christian Sabbath
Do not destroy the work of God
The Creation Ordinances
Two Hermeneutics: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism and the Fourth Commandment
Sam Waldron on Adopting the 1689 LBC

 Apple (6)

With Spotify, we are all Cameron Crowe
I’m blogging.
iPhone 3.0
iPhone 3G vs. Wi-Fi comparison
My MacBook died…
Feed Readers: Why I’m Switching

 Ava (6)

Ava is now at driving age
Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q. 1 (Take 2)
A Perfect Day
Ava playing
Our Ava
Ava Marie Lord

 Baxter (2)

Baxter, cross-processed
Baby registry time!

 Christina (8)

September 15, 2007, the first day of the rest of our lives
Now we are 30…
Congratulations Crissy!
Ava Marie Lord
“From my mother’s womb you have been my God”
Five Months
The Bridal Shower Game
Big news and stuff…

 Dell mods (3)

Podcast setup, Old-skool
Dell Dimension 2350 mods, continued…
Modding a Dell

 Psalms (2)

Praise him with the κιθάρα…
Words for the Wind

 Reformed Baptist (12)

Diversity and the Nature of the Church
No Christian had any notion of a secret rapture before 1830
Was Tertullian a Reformed Baptist?
Links for Church Reform
Praise him with the κιθάρα…
Authoritarianism, isolationism, and their theonomic roots
CT and the Christian Sabbath
Insofar as They Are Supported by Scripture
Do not destroy the work of God
Two Hermeneutics: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism and the Fourth Commandment
Christ Our Sabbath Rest
Sam Waldron on Adopting the 1689 LBC

 Running shoes (5)

Brooks Cascadia 6
Merrell Barefoot Road Gloves
Gearing up for Half Marathon
MR10: Runner’s World Editor’s Choice
Barefoot no more

 VW (2)

A Perfect Day
Why I’m considering a VW GTI

 Valley of Vision (1)

Year's End

 abuse (14)

Book Review—The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church
Theodicy, Slavery, and CSA
Driscoll goes all Nehemiah on their asses
Pearl: “Created To Need A Help Meet”
I Have Issues With…
Lydia Schatz cause of death
Schatz Case Updates
Christians unite against child abuse
Local DA provides more details to the big city reporters
Pearl still claims innocence, for himself and his followers
The brokenhearted sinner
The Devil Who Made Them Do It…
Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows…
Corporal Punishment and the Two Kingdoms

 activism (3)

Some fighting words
Political Activism
You do what you can…

 advent (2)

Plan A: Glory and Grace
The Order of God’s Eternal Elective Decrees, Part 1

 amillennialism (7)

No Christian had any notion of a secret rapture before 1830
Why the Reformed are not Millennarian
The First Resurrection of Revelation 20
The Resurrection of Believers: Already and Not Yet
"My kingdom is not of this world…"
Kim Riddlebarger on "Issues, etc."

 app reviews (2)

Rethinking my GTD strategy
Here’s a tip for users of iTunes and Spotify: Use Last.fm too!

 asp.net (3)

Lorddesign.net 3.0
Extending your EC2 boot drive in Windows 2008 R2
Optimizing jQuery selectors for ASP.NET controls

 atheism (8)

A Deconstruction Reading List
Theodicy, Slavery, and CSA
Thoughts on Dystheism and the Sacrifice of Isaac
Dystheism vs. Theodicy
The Odyssey of Theodicy
How Reformed Theology taught me to be a Freethinker
A Chronology of Deconstruction
Some quotations to help you understand me

 babies (1)


 baptist (3)

Defending Democracy from Christian Nationalists
Piper/Meyer transition timeline
Diversity and the Nature of the Church

 baptists (6)

Defending Democracy from Christian Nationalists
Was Tertullian a Reformed Baptist?
Links for Church Reform
Insofar as They Are Supported by Scripture
Christ Our Sabbath Rest
Giving Is a Party

 best practices (1)

Optimizing jQuery selectors for ASP.NET controls

 bluegrass (10)

Greengrass Vol. 11
Greengrass Vol. 10
Greengrass, Volume 8 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 7
Greengrass, Volume 6 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 4
Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass Vol. 2
Greengrass, Volume 1
Béla Fleck, Edgar Meyer, Zakir Hussain

 butte county lightning fire complex (2)

Butte County Lightning Fires Update
Butte County Lightning Fire Complex – Stay Inside!

 calvinism (2)

"We have gone back to the old school…"
What Oswald Said…

 camp fire (5)

According to E&E News, Trump used Politics when Deciding Whether to Render Aid in the Camp Fire
Concerning Fires
Music for fun vs. music for religion
Faith and depression
A Chronology of Deconstruction

 career (1)

The Dabbling Imagination

 catechism (2)

Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q. 1 (Take 2)
Ava’s learning the catechism!

 celtic (14)

Greengrass Vol. 11
Greengrass Vol. 10
Music for fun vs. music for religion
Greengrass, Volume 8 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 7
Greengrass, Volume 6 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 5: St. Paddy’s Edition
Greengrass, Vol. 4
Celtic Fiddle Festival
Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass Vol. 2
Greengrass, Volume 1
With Spotify, we are all Cameron Crowe
Driscoll’s profile of Patricius

 chargers (1)

My new hero

 chico (7)

Public transit #fail
Public transportation is good for your health
Butte County Lightning Fires Update
Butte County Lightning Fire Complex – Stay Inside!
The Sovereignty of God and the Humboldt Fire
Okay, so it’s still going…

 child rearing (1)

Authoritarianism, isolationism, and their theonomic roots

 chris thile (5)

Greengrass, Volume 8 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 4
Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass Vol. 2
Greengrass, Volume 1

 christmas (6)

Ava is now at driving age
On Christmasism
The best "Our First Christmas" ornament ever!
Plan A: Glory and Grace
Nativitatis Sola Christos
Merry Exmas, Acirema!

 church (30)

So what happened?
Book Review—The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church
On Christmasism
I am a victim of church abuse
Harold Camping’s got nothing on Chuck Smith
Two Kingdoms: Natural Law, Common Grace and the Spiritual Nature of the Church
Attributes of a Healthy Church
The Marks of an Abusive Church
Historic Confessions vs. the Contemporary Statement of Faith
Diversity and the Nature of the Church
Volitional Love
John Piper on why he’s taking a leave of absence
Eschatology Panel at Bethlehem Baptist Church
Jonathan Edwards, Healer of Rifts
What the LCMS says about Body Modification
Mark Driscoll on Planting Mars Hill
Kim Riddlebarger mp3s
The Threefold Cord
Elders in every church…
Christ Our Sabbath Rest
Unity Amid Differences
Sam Waldron on Adopting the 1689 LBC
Dave Owen's obituary
Church Discipline Run Amok
Plan A: Glory and Grace
Podcast setup, Old-skool
The Sovereignty of God and the Humboldt Fire
Giving Is a Party
The Discipline of Disillusionment
Simplifying things

 church history (1)

Not of This World

 cloud computing (3)

Cloud-based Visual Studio 6.0 IDE with IE 8
Extending your EC2 boot drive in Windows 2008 R2
Visual Studio in the Cloud

 coding (5)

New Atom Feed
The telecommuter’s whiteboard
Love what you do and make the world go ’round
Abbreviations Considered Harmful
On Phoning It In

 coding standards (1)

Abbreviations Considered Harmful

 concert reviews (1)

Béla Fleck, Edgar Meyer, Zakir Hussain

 covenant theology (28)

How Reformed Theology taught me to be a Freethinker
Sunday Night Theology: Law and Gospel in Colquhoun and Wright
Marriage stats and prayer
Praise him with the κιθάρα…
Dual citizenship is not antithetical
Clark on Two-Level Subscription
Authoritarianism, isolationism, and their theonomic roots
Some interesting quotes, and a response
"My kingdom is not of this world…"
Christianity and Popular Culture
What the LCMS says about Body Modification
The Law in Romans
Kim Riddlebarger on "Issues, etc."
B. B. Warfield on Revelation 20
Two Mountains: Sinai and Zion
The Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace
Chapter 2.5: God’s Freedom in Covenant
Why I won’t be going to the Shepherd’s Conference any time soon, Part 2: John MacArthur
CT and the Christian Sabbath
Insofar as They Are Supported by Scripture
"God and Foreign Relations"
External links
Kim Riddlebarger mp3s
What’s "The Big Idea?"
The Solidarity of Humanity
Do not destroy the work of God
The First of the Sabbaths

 cs lewis (2)

The Problem of Hell
What remarkable robots we would be…

 database (1)

Abbreviations Considered Harmful

 de dannan (2)

Greengrass Vol. 2
Greengrass, Volume 1

 deconstruction (9)

A Deconstruction Reading List
Annihilationism and Your Pet Cat
When I was an Agnostic
Theodicy, Slavery, and CSA
Thoughts on Dystheism and the Sacrifice of Isaac
The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory – Book Review
Dystheism vs. Theodicy
The Odyssey of Theodicy
A Chronology of Deconstruction

 depression (4)

Faith and depression
The Road Goes Ever On…
Recovering from a "Spiritual Tempest"
Words for the Wind

 design (5)

Applifry Mockup #1
The telecommuter’s whiteboard
Millennium Systems award
Lorddesign.net 3.0
Love what you do and make the world go ’round

 development (3)

New Atom Feed
Abbreviations Considered Harmful
On Phoning It In

 devotions (8)

A sure sign that you are a spiritual prig
Holier Than No One
Jesus died for our sins
The Christian in the Shop Window
The Initiative Against Despair
My Utmost…
What Oswald Said…

 dispensationalism (2)

The Eschatological Roots of Our Predicament
Harold Camping’s got nothing on Chuck Smith

 driscoll (6)

Driscoll goes all Nehemiah on their asses
Why I won’t be going to the Shepherd’s Conference anytime soon, part 1: Phil Johnson
Mark Driscoll on Planting Mars Hill
Driscoll’s profile of Patricius
Mark Driscoll on the History and Doctrines of the Emergent Church Movement
My first viral video (if you can call 280 views viral…)

 ecclessiology (3)

Blogging Church Discipline
Abusive churches: what happens to those who leave?
Mark Driscoll on Planting Mars Hill

 emergent (2)

Mark Driscoll on the History and Doctrines of the Emergent Church Movement
How do you put your family-values money where your family-values mouth is?

 equality (1)

Probably no man has ever …

 eschatology (7)

I Have Issues With…
No Christian had any notion of a secret rapture before 1830
Against Dispensationalism
The First Resurrection of Revelation 20
The Resurrection of Believers: Already and Not Yet
"My kingdom is not of this world…"
Kim Riddlebarger mp3s

 evangelicalism (1)

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory – Book Review

 evernote (2)

Rethinking my GTD strategy
Evernote GTD notes

 evolution (4)

Annihilationism and Your Pet Cat
The Odyssey of Theodicy
I have become a theistic evolutionist
Natural Revelation and the Framework Hypothesis

 exegesis (3)

Natural Revelation and the Framework Hypothesis
Some interesting quotes, and a response
What Is Distanciation?

 exvangelical (4)

Book Review—The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church
Annihilationism and Your Pet Cat
When I was an Agnostic
Thoughts on Dystheism and the Sacrifice of Isaac

 feminism (2)

Binders full of Romney’s disconnection with human beings
Biblical Feminism

 fiddle (1)

Greengrass, Vol. 7

 framework theory (1)

I have become a theistic evolutionist

 free will (1)

What remarkable robots we would be…

 freelance (1)

The Dabbling Imagination

 freelancing (7)

The telecommuter’s whiteboard
GitHub: for a more social independence
The Man-Month vs. the Human Narrative
Extending your EC2 boot drive in Windows 2008 R2
Perks of self-employment
Love what you do and make the world go ’round
Go, live your dream/Your dream stinks

 fundamentalism (11)

Authority vs. Authorship
Briggs on the relationship between the gospel and our obedience to Jesus’ commands
Verbal Inerrancy, Word for Word, or, How Conservative is Fundamentalism, Really?
Calvary Chapel and Fundamentalism
I have become a theistic evolutionist
Charles A. Briggs on Bibliolatry
I Have Issues With…
Lydia Schatz cause of death
The Devil Who Made Them Do It…
Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows…
Corporal Punishment and the Two Kingdoms

 gear reviews (1)

Kinvaras Were Meant to Have Thin Insoles

 github (1)

Open-source coding standards wiki

 gtd (4)

Rethinking my GTD strategy
Evernote GTD notes
Perks of self-employment

 hell (1)

Annihilationism and Your Pet Cat

 hermeneutics (2)

Natural Revelation and the Framework Hypothesis
What Is Distanciation?

 higher criticism (2)

Authority vs. Authorship
Charles A. Briggs on Bibliolatry

 hosting (1)

Millennium Systems award

 humanism (1)

The Ten Commandments of the Late Mr. Hitchens

 humboldt fire (4)

The Sovereignty of God and the Humboldt Fire
Okay, so it’s still going…
The 2008 Humbolt Fire

 hymns (1)

Links for Church Reform

 internet (1)

The reign of poop

 ipad (2)

Visual Studio in the Cloud
I’m blogging.

 iphone (19)

Greengrass, Volume 6 (a Spotify playlist)
Here’s a tip for users of iTunes and Spotify: Use Last.fm too!
With Spotify, we are all Cameron Crowe
Google finally produces Blogger iOS app
BlogPress iPhone app review
Essential iPhone Apps
Baxter, cross-processed
Trillian for iPhone update
iPhone stuck pixels
eBuddy for iPhone
iTunes Smart Playlist "all" vs. "any" issue
The Art of Singletasking
iPhone 3.0
Calendar Synchronization
iPhone 3G vs. Wi-Fi comparison
Fwd: Add my location
This is interesting and unexpected…
Feed Readers: Why I’m Switching
New iPhone announced

 irish trads (2)

Greengrass Vol. 11
Greengrass Vol. 10

 john macarthur (3)

MacArthur on the Dangers of Innovation
Why I won’t be going to the Shepherd’s Conference any time soon, Part 2: John MacArthur
External links

 john piper (7)

Piper/Meyer transition timeline
Piper’s Retirement
Words for the Wind
Unity Amid Differences
Plan A: Glory and Grace
Getting back in the saddle
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ

 jonathan edwards (6)

True Saints or Hypocrites?
Jonathan Edwards, Healer of Rifts
What remarkable robots we would be…
Every good gift is from the Father
Plan A: Glory and Grace
Thankful that we live in a universe where God knows what he’s doing

 jquery (1)

Optimizing jQuery selectors for ASP.NET controls

 kevin burke (4)

Greengrass, Volume 8 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 4
Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass, Volume 1

 law and gospel (3)

Sunday Night Theology: Law and Gospel in Colquhoun and Wright
Social Justice and the Christian
Law & Gospel

 leadership (3)

R.C. Sproul on Vocation
Mark Driscoll on Planting Mars Hill
Elders in every church…

 local (1)

The morning after the Dec. 6 storm

 maddow (1)

Chaos in the public square

 marriage (1)

Marriage stats and prayer

 minimalist footwear (5)

Merrell Barefoot Road Gloves
Gearing up for Half Marathon
MR10: Runner’s World Editor’s Choice
Battle of the Vibram-soled Trail Runners
Barefoot no more

 missions (4)

The trouble with Scottish Presbyterians
“Weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15)
Relief for Southeast Asia
Missions Update

 morality (1)

The Ten Commandments of the Late Mr. Hitchens

 movies (2)

Wisdom Teeth, or My Mouth Hurts Really Bad
Thoughts on the Film "Luther"

 music (4)

Music for fun vs. music for religion
Today’s playlist
Summer of ’13 playlist
Simplicity and Surrender

 music reviews (3)

Greengrass, Volume 6 (a Spotify playlist)
Jon Hopkins: Insides
Cathedrals and Alleyways

 nt wright (3)

N.T. Wright: Scripture and the Authority of God
Sunday Night Theology: Law and Gospel in Colquhoun and Wright
In which Rachel Held Evans likes N.T. Wright so much she concludes he must not be a Calvinist

 obama (1)

“It will stop on Election Day”

 open-source (3)

Applifry Mockup #1
Open-source coding standards wiki
GitHub: for a more social independence

 paradise-ca (5)

The morning after the Dec. 6 storm
The Sovereignty of God and the Humboldt Fire
Okay, so it’s still going…
The 2008 Humbolt Fire

 photography (3)

Baxter, cross-processed

 planxty (2)

Greengrass, Vol. 4
Greengrass, Vol. 3

 playlists (2)

Summer of ’13 playlist
My 2012 Top Tracks

 podcasting (1)

Podcast setup, Old-skool

 politics (15)

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory – Book Review
“It will stop on Election Day”
Binders full of Romney’s disconnection with human beings
Romney’s Weekly Blunder
Chaos in the public square
Briggs on the relationship between the gospel and our obedience to Jesus’ commands
Biblical Feminism
I Have Issues With…
The GOP: Conformity to the Pattern of This World
Facebook and the Polarization of America
Two Kingdoms: Natural Law, Common Grace and the Spiritual Nature of the Church
Against Dispensationalism
The Two Kingdoms and the Death of Bin Laden
Single-Issue Politics
First Mommy, Mommy First

 polity (7)

Defending Democracy from Christian Nationalists
Blogging Church Discipline
Attributes of a Healthy Church
R.C. Sproul on Vocation
Mark Driscoll on Planting Mars Hill
Elders in every church…
Unity Amid Differences

 presbyterian (13)

Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q. 1 (Take 2)
I am a victim of church abuse
Two Kingdoms: Natural Law, Common Grace and the Spiritual Nature of the Church
Social Justice and the Christian
Law & Gospel
Attributes of a Healthy Church
The Marks of an Abusive Church
Historic Confessions vs. the Contemporary Statement of Faith
Diversity and the Nature of the Church
Why not “Mainline”?
Was Tertullian a Reformed Baptist?
Links for Church Reform
Praise him with the κιθάρα…

 productivity (1)


 programming (2)

Jekyll Migration
GitHub: for a more social independence

 proof-texting (2)

Elders in every church…
Go ahead and choose your idols… but I and my family will serve Yahweh

 reformed baptist (1)

So what happened?

 reformed theology (1)

Nativitatis Sola Christos

 religion (1)

On Christmasism

 rob bell (2)

Diversity and the Nature of the Church
The Problem of Hell

 running shoes (1)

Kinvaras Were Meant to Have Thin Insoles

 sabbath (11)

Begg on Stonewall Jackson and the Fourth Commandment
Ray Ortlund, Jr. on the Lord’s Day
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision 2
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision
Do not destroy the work of God
The First of the Sabbaths
The Creation Ordinances
Two Hermeneutics: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism and the Fourth Commandment
The Lord’s Day in The Valley of Vision
Reformed Theology: The Christian Sabbath
Christ Our Sabbath Rest

 sanctity of life (1)

How do you put your family-values money where your family-values mouth is?

 sara watkins (2)

Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass Vol. 2

 schatz (16)

Put another way…
The Ten Commandments of the Late Mr. Hitchens
I am a victim of church abuse
I Have Issues With…
Attributes of a Healthy Church
The Marks of an Abusive Church
Historic Confessions vs. the Contemporary Statement of Faith
Lydia Schatz cause of death
Schatz Case Updates
Christians unite against child abuse
Local DA provides more details to the big city reporters
Pearl still claims innocence, for himself and his followers
The brokenhearted sinner
The Devil Who Made Them Do It…
Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows…
Corporal Punishment and the Two Kingdoms

 science (5)

The Washington Post speaks the truth on climate change
Tennessee education bill
What Happened to the Fertile in Fertile Crescent?
Earthquake Forecasting
Christian at the head of the NIH

 scripture (9)

Put another way…
The Ten Commandments of the Late Mr. Hitchens
N.T. Wright: Scripture and the Authority of God
Authority vs. Authorship
"So also my heavenly Father will do…"
"If one has a complaint against another…"
Elders in every church…
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15 (ESV)
Challies: "Every Word of God"

 secularism (1)

Music for fun vs. music for religion

 sexism (1)

Why a Woman Shouldn’t Run for Vice President, but Wise People May Still Vote for Her

 snow (2)

The morning after the Dec. 6 storm
Snow day at the Lords’ residence

 software (1)

Evernote GTD notes

 source control (1)

GitHub: for a more social independence

 spiritual abuse (5)

So what happened?
I am a victim of church abuse
Abusive churches: what happens to those who leave?
The Marks of an Abusive Church
Giving Is a Party

 spotify (12)

My 2012 Top Tracks
Playlist for the weekend
Spotify Top 20
Greengrass, Volume 8 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 7
Greengrass, Volume 6 (a Spotify playlist)
Greengrass, Vol. 5: St. Paddy’s Edition
Here’s a tip for users of iTunes and Spotify: Use Last.fm too!
Greengrass, Vol. 4
Greengrass, Vol. 3
Greengrass Vol. 2
Greengrass, Volume 1

 spurgeon (1)

"We have gone back to the old school…"

 suffering (3)

"Blessed are those who mourn…"
Words for the Wind
The Sovereignty of God and the Humboldt Fire

 the Lord's day (12)

Begg on Stonewall Jackson and the Fourth Commandment
Ray Ortlund, Jr. on the Lord’s Day
CT and the Christian Sabbath
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision 2
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision
Do not destroy the work of God
The First of the Sabbaths
The Creation Ordinances
Two Hermeneutics: Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism and the Fourth Commandment
The Lord’s Day in The Valley of Vision
Reformed Theology: The Christian Sabbath
Christ Our Sabbath Rest

 theodicy (4)

Theodicy, Slavery, and CSA
Thoughts on Dystheism and the Sacrifice of Isaac
Dystheism vs. Theodicy
The Odyssey of Theodicy

 two kingdoms (6)

I Have Issues With…
The GOP: Conformity to the Pattern of This World
Two Kingdoms: Natural Law, Common Grace and the Spiritual Nature of the Church
The Two Kingdoms and the Death of Bin Laden
Single-Issue Politics
Corporal Punishment and the Two Kingdoms

 valley of vision (4)

Thanksgiving Prayer
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision 2
The Lord's Day in The Valley of Vision
The Lord’s Day in The Valley of Vision

 visual studio (1)

Visual Studio in the Cloud

 web development (2)

Lorddesign.net 3.0
The Man-Month vs. the Human Narrative

 work (3)

The reign of poop
Office Space
The Road Goes Ever On…

 worship (7)

Praise him with the κιθάρα…
Is your church a stench in God’s nostrils?
The difference seven years makes in the life of a believer, or how your theology affects your worship
Challies: Betraying God in Worship
Getting back in the saddle