Punk Rawk!!!

By Aaron Lord

[Missing: A photo of young me playing guest fiddle with Flatfoot 56]

As soon as I discovered punk rock, I starting thinking how cool it would be if there were some sort of fusion that incorporated violin into it, but I didn’t know anyone else who thought this was a good idea. Then 4 years ago I discovered Flogging Molly and saw my two favorite modern musical genres–Celtic and punk–joined. And last night, I actually got to play fiddle with a punk band! Flatfoot 56 is out in California on tour from Chicago. They played Chico on Thursday night, and they let me play with them a little bit at last night’s show in Stockton. Afterwards, they asked me if I’d come down and play with them in Santa Cruz tonight!!! I can’t get too much into details right now because I have to leave pretty soon…

(But now, if I ever go to Chicago again, the pizza won’t be my only reason!!!)