Tongue-in-cheek cracks at the state of the state of Tennessee. “Next on the docket… Biology teachers who don’t believe in premarital sex are free to teach students that animals have tiny but elegant weddings before they breed.”
As part of the current discussion on the origins of the Fundamentalism/Modernism controversy, I present the following paragraph from Charles Augustus Briggs’s address at Union Theological Seminary in 1891, The Authority of Holy Scripture. The third barrier is the authenticity of the Scriptures. The only authenticity we are concerned about...
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Christianity is inconsistent with the present social condition of New York, and the other great cities of the world. We have no right to the name of Christians; we bring reproach on the name of Jesus Christ; we dishonor the God of the Bible, and are stumbling-blocks in the way...
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The word Fundamentalism was once a proper noun referring to the conservative religious movement that pushed back against old-school Protestant liberalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The label has come to be applied much more broadly, even in use now to describe ultra-conservative factions in various religions,...
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