I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • Why not “Mainline”?

    By Aaron Lord
    More than a decade ago, I was part of a church that sent “missionaries” to Scotland to try to show the Presbyterians how to do church, and I went on two such mission trips myself. In the years since, I have come to see that it’s all the rest of... [Read More]
  • BlogPress iPhone app review

    By Aaron Lord
    Downloading BlogPress was my last-stitch effort to save my Blogger blog. So much of my online activity revolves around my iPhone that my blog has suffered in recent years, since Blogger doesn’t have a mobile version. I can post drafts via email, but they always end up with funny line... [Read More]
  • Against Dispensationalism

    By Aaron Lord
    There’s a whole lot of eschatological fervor out there, with the civil war in Libya, the earthquake in Japan a couple months ago, Harold Camping’s yet-another-failed-prediction of the date and time of Judgment Day, and Obama’s speech on Middle East diplomacy. [Read More]
  • How to spot a false prophet

    By Aaron Lord
    In light of the impending Judgment Day, I’d like to point put some things that are stated a bit more explicitly in Scripture than the date of the end of the world, namely, two easy ways to spot a false prophet.1) Anyone who says they know the date of the... [Read More]
  • The Two Kingdoms and the Death of Bin Laden

    By Aaron Lord
    God, the Supreme Lord and King of all the world, hath ordained civil magistrates to be under him over the people, for his own glory and the public good; and to this end, hath armed them with the power of the sword, for the defense and encouragement of them that... [Read More]
  • Volitional Love

    By Aaron Lord
    My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his... [Read More]
  • Béla Fleck, Edgar Meyer, Zakir Hussain

    By Aaron Lord
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    We were pleased to receive complimentary tickets to see Béla Fleck on banjo, Edgar Meyer on double bass, and Zakir Hussain on tabla in concert at Laxson Auditorium tonight, courtesy of KCHO/Northstate Public Radio (kcho.org). The concert was amazing, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so if they are coming... [Read More]