I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • Daddy date

    By Aaron Lord
    Today I'm taking Ava off to Dutch Bros for a smoothie. Then we're going to the park to try out her new plastic bucket. Then we're going to take the new Raumwünder for a spin up highway 32. I'm guessing she'll probably be napping for that part. [Read More]
  • John Piper on why he’s taking a leave of absence

    By Aaron Lord
    But on the other hand, I see several species of pride in my soul that, while they may not rise to the level of disqualifying me for ministry, grieve me, and have taken a toll on my relationship with Noël and others who are dear to me. How do I... [Read More]
  • More than Five Points

    By Aaron Lord
    Calvinism is something much broader than the "five points" indicate.Calvinism is a whole world-view, stemming from a clear vision of God as the whole world's Maker and King.Calvinism is the consistent endeavour to acknowledge the Creator as the Lord, working all things after the counsel of His will.Calvinism is a... [Read More]
  • Lydia Schatz cause of death

    By Aaron Lord
    Action news reported tonight that the coroner’s report was released today. The medical examiner confirmed Lydia Schatz died from rhabdomyolysis resulting from the torture and abuse she suffered at the hands of her parents, who whipped their children with 1/4” plumbing supply line because it was endorsed by fundamentalist preacher... [Read More]
  • Was Tertullian a Reformed Baptist?

    By Aaron Lord
    It is true that Paul also was speedily baptized: for Simon, his host, speedily knew that he had been appointed a vessel of election. God's good pleasure sends as herald its own privileges : any request can both disappoint and be disappointed: It follows that deferment of baptism is more... [Read More]
  • Links for Church Reform

    By Aaron Lord
    I am presenting a couple links here that may be useful for those who are seeking to bring the Reformation into an existing church. As I dig further into the historic Reformed confessions, I find myself agreeing with them more and more. But I am still convinced of two positions... [Read More]
  • Praise him with the κιθάρα…

    By Aaron Lord
    Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! (Psalm 150:3, ESV) αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν ἤχῳ σάλπιγγος αἰνεῖτε αὐτὸν ἐν ψαλτηρίῳ καὶ κιθάρᾳ (Psalm 150:3, LXX) gui·tar... Etymology: French guitare, from Spanish guitarra, from Arabic qītār, from Greek kithara cithara (m-w.com) I’ve already had to deal with the... [Read More]