I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • Now we are 30…

    By Aaron Lord
    My wife turned thirty yesterday. This means we are, as a couple, “all grown up,” which is weird in itself because I still feel like a kid. I am very proud of her. We got married a year-and-a-half ago. A year later she gave birth to our firstborn, Ava Marie,... [Read More]
  • John Piper on Familial Commitment

    By Aaron Lord
    John Piper writes today about the steadfast love and commitment from the fathers of Robert Lewis Stevenson and C. S. Lewis despite their estrangement and even unbelief (something Piper knows a lot about himself): [Read More]
  • Accuracy and Truth Are Not the Same

    By Aaron Lord
    In a blog post from 2007 entiled “Be a Kinder Calvinist”, Abraham Piper describes an argument with his wife in which pastoral intervention was required: [Read More]
  • Recovering from a "Spiritual Tempest"

    By Aaron Lord
    Jon Bloom on recovering from a “spiritual tempest”: I would say it took me a good year from the time I experienced an initial breakthrough until I really felt my spiritual equilibrium was more "normal." Changing metaphors, if the initial crisis was a massive earthquake, I felt aftershocks for a... [Read More]
  • Ray Ortlund, Jr. on the Lord’s Day

    By Aaron Lord
    If we would stop treating Sunday as a second Saturday, one more day to run to Home Depot, one more day for the kids’ soccer games, if we would rediscover Sunday as The Lord’s Day, focusing on him for one day each week, what would be the immediate impact between... [Read More]
  • Two Mountains: Sinai and Zion

    By Aaron Lord
    The third chapter of Michael Horton’s book Introducing Covenant Theology is a difficult one, but we are encouraged by looking at the opening of chapter four, where he says we have our most difficult work behind us. [Read More]
  • The Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace

    By Aaron Lord
    I am getting ready to post on another Chapter from Michael Horton’s Introducing Covenant Theology, and I thought it might be helpful to clear up a couple things about covenant theology before we dig deeper into the book.In Reformed theology, we see three covenants in Scripture: Redemption, Works, and Grace.... [Read More]
  • eBuddy for iPhone

    By Aaron Lord
    New iPhone IM app with Push Notification! http://digital.venturebeat.com/2009/07/08/ebuddy-for-iphone-joins-the-push-notification-bandwagon/ [Read More]