I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • The Road Goes Ever On…

    By Aaron Lord
    One of the rules of blogging is that you have to do it on a regular basis to keep your readers interested. Unfortunately this is not always possible. Sometimes things can happen in life that either require all your attention or drain you of the ideas or creative energy you... [Read More]
  • Love what you do and make the world go ’round

    By Aaron Lord
    I have so much appreciation for stakeholders who appreciate what I give to them. You’d think this would be a more common occurrence: people who pay others for awesome things they want, people who make awesome things that their clients want them to make, and people who like the awesome... [Read More]
  • Go, live your dream/Your dream stinks

    By Aaron Lord
    I spent the last month and a half working at the least fun job I’ve ever worked at—and I’ve had some doozies. I swear my head suffered more graying and balding in the last 6 weeks than all the years previous, and I was breaking out all over from the... [Read More]
  • The Dabbling Imagination

    By Aaron Lord
    I seem to have a better outlook on life when I am allowed to apply for other jobs. Whether those jobs pan out doesn’t seem to matter as much as you’d think; somehow the benefits that the realm of possibilities brings to my imagination seem to outweigh the pain of... [Read More]
  • Visual Studio in the Cloud

    By Aaron Lord
    So, I have a couple of pending offers for side gigs lingering out there, and theoretically on any given weekend evening, someone could IM me and ask me to do a few small things for them. The problem is, I don’t have a suitable Windows dev environment at home. I’ve... [Read More]
  • Abbreviations Considered Harmful

    By Aaron Lord
    I recently struggled for several hours over a sorted ASP.NET GridView control which was failing to behave properly. I found that on PostBack for the LinkButtons, the SortCommand was returning expressions such as “LocationDesc” and “PositionDesc”. I was confused as to why the sort direction was attached to the expression... [Read More]