I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • Biblical Feminism

    By Aaron Lord
    I was talking with my wife the other night as we lay in bed staring at the dark ceiling and listening to the storm of freezing rain pelt the roof and windows. I thanked her for curing me of my Fundamentalism. I thanked her for being patient with me as... [Read More]
  • Marriage stats and prayer

    By Aaron Lord
    Over the weekend we went to a friend’s wedding. During the wedding, people kept mentioning divorce statistics. Basically, the saying went like this: The divorce rate is approximately 50%. The divorce rate among Christians is no better, also 50%. The conclusion is then made that the people being surveyed were... [Read More]
  • Celtic Fiddle Festival

    By Aaron Lord
    I have a considerable collection of celtic music, as I’ve been a fiddler for like a generation or something. But thanks to Spotify, I’m a few weeks into a new wave of music discovery. Generally any time you see an album with “celtic fiddle” in the title, it’s pretentious. One... [Read More]
  • The GOP: Conformity to the Pattern of This World

    By Aaron Lord
    American religious conservatives are being sold a bill of goods by all of the GOP candidates. Rick Santorum recently went on the record declaring that he’s the true Christian candidate, and that Obama’s worldview is unbiblical. The gall! And then Franklin Graham got on the air the next day and... [Read More]
  • categories != tags

    By Aaron Lord
    Note to anybody switching from Blogger to Wordpress: All your tags will be imported as top-level categories, so you might end up with a hundred categories instead of just a few. Prepare to spend some time re-categorizing everything.