I must follow, if I can

Pursuing it with eager feet / Until it joins some larger way
  • Blogging Church Discipline

    By Aaron Lord
    I became a fan of Lee Irons because of his work (with the late Meredith Kline) developing the the Framework interpretation of the first three chapters of Genesis. Irons was later censured by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He has thorough documented his case online, most recently with a blog about... [Read More]
  • Day of protest

    By Aaron Lord
    My blog is going into blackout mode at midnight EST to protest internet censorship.
  • Kinvaras Were Meant to Have Thin Insoles

    By Aaron Lord
    My children have a tendency to get into things and move things around. As a result, the original insoles for my Saucony Kinvara 2 running shoes have been sitting in plain sight for a few days. It suddenly dawned on me how thin they were compared to the spongy insoles... [Read More]
  • Thanksgiving Prayer

    By Aaron Lord
    Those of you who know me may or may not know that I’m not a fan of choose-your-own-adventure religion. So this year, as I presided over our own Thanksgiving bounty, I chose a prayer from the book of Puritan prayers called The Valley of Vision (substituting “we” for “I”, etc.):... [Read More]
  • Google finally produces Blogger iOS app

    By Aaron Lord
    This is a long time coming. But it might just be way too late. Unfortunately, it’s not a universal app also optimized for iPad, so I’m not going to be getting rid of BlogPress anytime soon. You can get the new Blogger app from the app store. [Read More]
  • Facebook and the Polarization of America

    By Aaron Lord
    There’s like this weird vibe on Facebook now. It seems like people can’t share what’s on their minds anymore, since what’s on their minds has suddenly become political. If they say anything they limit it to shallow topics. But there is one side that remains presumptively loud. I think it... [Read More]